InTime is a method of harmonizing the work of the brain using specially created rhythmic music, which is used in the treatment of neurological diseases and in psychology. The essence of this method is neuroacoustic stimulation of the brain.
This program was developed and tested by a team of experts from Advanced Brain Technologies (USA). The method is quite new, but, as statistics has shown, it is successful. Testing continued in schools and clinics in America for five years and was completed only in early 2014.

Work on this method includes two important aspects for brain development – stimulation with sounds of certain frequencies and stimulation with rhythm.

The functioning of the nervous system is a highly complex process involving coordinated interaction between different areas of the brain. In a child with disorders, the brain usually does not work rhythmically enough, so exercises that address this problem have a beneficial effect on all areas of the brain and on the quality of its connection with the body.


  • attention deficit disorder
  • hyperactivity, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
  • autism
  • speech rate and rhythm disorders (stuttering, logoneurosis, hesitations in speech)
  • various disorders of written and spoken language
  • cognitive impairments (delayed psycho-speech development, mental retardation, learning disabilities, mental retardation)
  • anxiety, depression
  • impaired coordination and balance
  • trouble sitting still, inattentiveness, school problems

The program of classes is made individually and includes work with 4 different specialists. The course lasts 16 days. It is recommended to take 2 courses per year.

The course involves daily lessons and should be at least 5 days a week. The duration of the course is 12-16 days.

Now the Tomatis method is becoming known, and the question arises – what is the difference between inTime and Tomatis, since both use sound?
To simplify, Tomatis trains the small muscles inside the ear, while inTime is aimed at correcting cognitive processes. Tomatis teaches you how to hear and distinguish sounds, while inTime teaches you how to read, write, speak, and keep your daily routine in a rhythmic manner, i.e. it will be useful in all areas of life where order is needed.

All our equipment is certified. More information about the equipment used in this procedure can be found here.