Brain micropolarization (TKMP)

This is a type of therapy based on continuous exposure of certain brain structures to a small electric current. TCMP was developed by scientists at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg.

This procedure is currently performed in some medical institutions in different countries for the therapeutic treatment of patients of any age.

This method of treatment can be used in patients with pathologies of the nervous system, such as:

  • Organic lesions of the CNS, including infantile cerebral palsy.
  • Craniocerebral trauma and cerebral vascular disease in the acute period.
  • Consequences of neuroinfectious diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Consequences of surgical interventions and injuries to the spinal cord and spine.
  • Neuropsychiatric developmental delays (motor and sensory alalia, aphasia) and learning problems.
  • Disorders of speech development in children.
  • Various nervous system disorders and behavioral disorders.
  • Episyndromes, visual and auditory dysfunctions.

Micropolarization of the brain is a rather progressive method of stimulation of the central nervous system by means of constant currents of low value, which favorably affects the brain and the body.

To carry out micropolarization on the patient’s head with a special cap point electrodes are attached, the impact is carried out with a current strength of no more than 1 mA. Thus, there is no aggressive stimulation in the brain, which occurs with other methods of electrical treatment.