Night sleep monitoring
Our St. Sophia Center offers a new service: overnight EEG monitoring.
Recording of the electroencephalogram during night sleep is the “gold standard” for diagnosing the functional state of the brain.
Overnight sleep EEG records the rhythms of the brain at all stages of its activity and rest. Epilepsy, a complex disease that may not manifest itself during the daytime hours, often manifests itself at night, either during periods of falling asleep or waking up. In this case, only EEG recording during night sleep can help correct and accurate diagnosis.
Carrying out such a diagnostic study is also absolutely shown to children with hyperactivity. Sometimes recording a background (normal) EEG during the daytime for 30-40 minutes is an impossible task for them. Epilepsy can affect the full development of the child, so nighttime EEG monitoring is absolutely indicated for all children with developmental delays.
An EEG study during night sleep is also indicated in the following cases:
• Enuresis (nocturnal urinary incontinence). (If the problem is not related to a disease of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis)).
• In dreaming (sleepwalking) and sleep-talking,
• For sudden awakenings during the night hours
• In very deep sleep accompanied by twitching of the arms or legs.
How is a night sleep EEG performed?
The electroencephalogram is recorded during physiologic sleep hours using the
Electroencephalograph-Recorder “Encephalan-EEGR-19/26” with a set of video equipment and PMO “Encephalan-Video”, which has European quality certificates. Fully synchronized long-term multi-channel registration of electroencephalogram and video information about the patient’s condition is the most effective in differential diagnosis of epilepsy. This procedure is completely painless and harmless. It varies in time from 6 to 24 hours, depending on the doctor’s prescription. This procedure is carried out in the premises of our center in comfortable conditions. It is performed by the medical staff, who monitors the quality of the recording while the child sleeps. The parent monitors the child during the procedure.
30 minutes before the start of the recording, personal hygiene is performed, the room is prepared for sleep (ventilation is mandatory). Then within 20 minutes there is a conversation with the medical staff during which the rules of EEG recording during night sleep are explained, a cap with electrodes is put on and after the child falls asleep the recording begins.
After the recording is finished, all the data are sent to St. Petersburg, to the Human Brain Institute, where it is decoded. Patients receive a description of the EEG with the doctor’s conclusion within 5-7 days.